Colton Kimm
9/12/2013 12:00:02 am

Colton Kimm
Period 3
I agree that a person is innocent until proven guilty. I say that because there are many instances that people are accused of things that they did not do. It happens all the time in today’s society. We have social media like Facebook and Twitter where many rumors and false accusations are spread. There have been times that people lose their respect and lose the way people look at them because of other people saying that they committed a crime or did something wrong. I feel that if the person can prove that the other person is guilty, then yes I agree with people losing respect for the one who is the felon or the person who got in trouble. In today’s world information spreads in a blink of an eye. We have so many resources to find out information very easily. I honestly wish that we didn’t have social media. I think it would stop a lot of false accusations and rumors from being spread. People always talk about others, and social media enhances that and makes it easier to do so. You can’t say somebody committed a crime or is a liar based on what others say. That is what happens in many cases. You need to have a reliable source, and true facts or information before you can accuse somebody with a crime.

9/15/2013 11:31:24 am

I agree with what Colton said. I feel like this belief has been the key factor in keeping our courts not corrupted. If we were to believe that everyone is guilty until proven innocent, people could just be accused of crimes, and they would be guilty of it. It would be up to them to prove their innocence. If we went back to this belief, it would be much easier for something like the Salem Witch Trials to happen again. By making people innocent until proven guilty, people can more easily defend themselves in court. This belief is one of the reasons our country is as great as it is.

Kyle Nottk
9/12/2013 12:00:47 am

I disagree with the thoughts that you should confess to a crime you didn't commit in order to avoid punishment but in all honesty it kind of depends on what type of punishment you would be given and what you're lying about. When faced with choices like these people will see who you really are. This will lead them to determine whether or not you can be trusted for simple things. If you lie for this, they might think you'd lie on other things. If you are standing up for something that you strongly believe in then lying shouldn't even be an option. You should just take what you're given and roll with it no matter the outcome. So I say that confessing to a crime you didn't commit in order to avoid punishment is more of a tossup than a "do you believe in this or not" question. It is based on more personal opinions because it can be thrown either way so very easily. It’s a biased question that I can’t full-heartedly answer one way or another without some long discussion on it.

Colton Kimm
9/12/2013 12:06:20 am

I agree that it is more of a tossup than a straight answer. It could very much depend on the type of situation. I also agree that people will judge you for the rest of your life based on your decisions in a certain situation. I think that if it a matter of life and death, then yes you should lie and do what is best for you in the future. But if is a situation where you would only get in minor trouble, then you should stand up for what you believe in. People will judge you and know that you are very strong willed and won't back down from things. It all depends on the situation and consequenses.

Haleigh Hoke Pd.3
9/12/2013 12:02:18 am

It is more difficult to forgive yourself if the person you have hurt doesn’t forgive you. I agree with this statement because if someone that you have hurt won’t forgive you it is hard to move on. You will always have that feeling in the back of your mind of regret of how you hurt them. It is hard to move on with your life and forget what you did never happened. You can’t take what you did back but one thing you can do is ask for forgiveness. You can beg and beg for forgiveness, that person may need time or they may never forgive you, but you have to move on because you can’t live your life in the past. Until you forgive yourself you can never move on and live your life to the fullest. In time the feeling of regret and needing forgiveness will pass and you will forgive yourself even if they don’t forgive you. Forgiveness is a big part of life and hopefully they can forgive and forget but if not you have to forgive yourself.

Cassie Nale
9/12/2013 12:04:36 am

Is it better to die for what you believe in, or lie to save your life? Over the course of history many people have had different answers to this question. If you look back in history you will find events such as the Holocaust, when millions of people were killed because they refused to deny what they believed in. It is events like this that make us wonder why people would not just deny what they believed to avoid death. In most cases, I believe that lying to avoid consequences either means you never truly believed what you said you did, or you’re being a coward. The other question to ask yourself is, even if you did lie and save your life, would you be able to live with yourself? Is it worth compromising everything you believe in and who you are as a person just to live a few more years? In my opinion it is better to own up to what you believe no, matter the cost. If you do not own up to it, you spend the rest of your life living with the regret.

Brandon Kern
9/12/2013 12:05:20 am

It is better to die for what you believe in rather than to lie to save your life.
I think it is better to die for what you believe in. If you lie to save your life then you do not truly believe in the thing you say you do. If you believe in something enough then you will be willing to die for it. If you feel the need to lie about it you, or you do not have the courage to stand up for what you believe in, then why believe in it. To believe in something means to feel that whatever it is you think it is true. When you think something is true then you should feel confident in standing up for it. For example, if I believe I am not guilty I should continue to fight for my innocence. I should not lie and take the guilty plea just to not get the death penalty. When you believe in something you should be able to fight for what it is you believe in.

Hannah Cheatham
9/12/2013 12:05:34 am

It is better to die for what you believe in than to lie to save your life. I strongly believe in this statement. I was taught from a very young age to stand up for my beliefs no matter what. There are so many beliefs in this world and not one is considered the “right” belief. You should never bow down, and lie about what you’ve done or who you are just to save yourself. I believe in standing up for yourself no matter what is thrown your way. It’s sometimes difficult to stand firm with your beliefs because fear can take over your mind; it can cause you to become shaky in your faith and want to run away from the problem that is facing you. My mother always assured me that when I was faced with a tough challenge all I had to do was rely on what I believed in and what I thought was right. She told me that as long as I stood my ground for what I wanted, everything would work out the way it was supposed to. In the short 16 years of my life I’ve been faced with many challenges and I’ve always stood my ground on what I believe in. In my opinion it is better to hold your ground than to roll over and give the people what they want.

Audrey Hyers
9/15/2013 01:44:14 pm

I agree completely with Hannah. If you know what you believe about something you shouldn't let others force you to say anything different. Sometimes it is hard to fight for the truth, but it is always worth it in the end. You just need to find the courage to fight.

Samantha Eckart
9/12/2013 12:06:20 am

There is a difference between right and wrong, but there isn’t a distinct line between the two. It generally depends on the situation and the roles of each person in the situation. If a boy hits a girl, it’s assumed that it’s the boy being a bully or just being mean. What the general population doesn’t tend to consider is that maybe the girl hit him first and he was only using self-defense. The gray line between right and wrong almost always depends on the situation. There are obvious right doings, such as volunteering, and obvious wrong doings, such as viciously murdering an innocent bystander because you didn’t like the way he stared at your wife. The gray line is there because people have different beliefs. This even applies in our country today with issues of gay marriage and abortion. These sorts of differences in opinion that cause the gray line have gone back all the way through history, including the American Civil War with the issue on slavery. The gray line has always been there and always will be, so no, there is not a clear difference between right and wrong.

Sidney Reynolds
9/12/2013 04:40:37 pm

Graham Greene once said "Human nature is not black and white but black and grey." This means humans always believe everything is either complicated or wrong. This true on many topics such as murder. If a man kills it is wrong. But if he kills to save his child then it is complicated. You are right grey lines will always be there throughout human history. I believe that go in step with my statement about how seeing things from a new angle can completely change the situation. There's nothing we can do to change that but only try to be more understanding.

Jenna Fraley
9/12/2013 12:06:34 am

I believe that it is better to die for what you believe in rather than to lie to save your life. First of all, lying can make things worse for yourself and or your belief. You could affect or hurt the people around you who will die because they are standing up for what they believe in. People may shun you and define you as a coward or selfish. Also, lying about what you believe in is like not living as yourself. In other words, you are not yourself by changing what you believe in as a matter of death or life. Therefore, you morally died with your actual belief, and changed or tuned into a new person. Next, lying is a sin. You could be punished if people found out the truth, or even die if it were a major belief many defined as wrong. Lying will make you feel guilty, even if it was to save your life. Finally, it is not about what others believe to be true or right, it is what you believe is right. You would be courageous and wise dying for standing up for what you believe in. Think of it this way, would you rather die as yourself, or live as someone else, a liar?

Haleigh Hoke
9/12/2013 12:15:36 am

I agree with it is better to die for what you believe in rather than to lie to save your life. If you lie you are going against your moral conduct. If you survive from lieing you will come back changed because you compromised what you believed to save youself. In away you don't really believe in your cause unless you will die for it, that shows true convection for what you believe. I agree with Jenna's statement as well that your decision not only affects you but also your family.

Brandon Smith
9/12/2013 12:06:50 am

Courage means doing something even though it can be difficult and fearsome. I agree that courage means doing something, because actions speak louder than words. If you say something and don’t do it, it’s not the same as when you say something and actually do it. When people are faced with tough situations most people give up and don’t finish what they have started. The real courageous people run straight into the difficult task and fight it with everything they have. They do everything in there will power to overcome the obstacle. Courageous people should be praised more for the things that they do. Most of the time people who do the courageous acts are overlooked and never get the credit they deserve. Courage comes out of people in the best times or in the worst times. When you are faced with tough situations it’s how you react to the situation that portrays your courage. Always be ready to show your courage because if you don’t it could come back and bite you in the butt. Remember, true courage is never faked.

Taylor Neagle
9/12/2013 12:07:29 am

Taylor Neagle
Period 3
That which doesn’t destroy us only makes us stronger. I believe in this statement faithfully. Growing up, I was always told that the strongest people have the most difficult situations, and they will pull through them time and time again. A person who has a rough life will be able to handle more than a person who maybe hasn’t gone through as many hardships. If you can come out of what seems like the worst time of your life with a smile, then you are a strong person. The next time that the situation comes along you will be able to make it through without a problem. You will be able to handle even more.
If you are in a sport you could even apply this to your work outs. This could be the hardest work out you have ever been through, but next time you work out it will be easier. You will still be tired and feel weak, but not as much as you did the very first time. This statement can be applied to many different aspects of life.

Hannah Cheatham
9/12/2013 12:12:24 am

I agree whole heartedly with this statement. I know many people, myself included, who have had to deal with many tough hardships throughout life. I was always told that we get what were given because we are strong enough to handle it. If we couldn't handle what we were dealt, we wouldn't have been dealt it. Life is a rollar coaster, and sometimes the downs are worse than the ups. A lot of the time the reasons we get put into horrible situations, it's to show us how strong we are even when we thought we were weak. Hardships only prove to us how strong we are, and how strong we can become.

Morgan Stanley
9/12/2013 12:12:58 am

I agree with Taylor. The more difficult situations someone goes through the stronger they will become. They will learn that it only makes them stronger and be ready for the next challenge. i also agree with sports work out. the more you work out the easier they will get as you keep doing them.

Brandon Smith
9/12/2013 12:16:11 am

If what doesn't destroy us makes us stronger, how would you apply this to war victims that get their limbs blown off? How would you apply this to the people that are like human vegetables that cannot do anything? They were destroyed for the worse and they couldn't possibly get stronger. They can't move. When you apply this to a normal person I agree 100% with you. Some people cannot get stronger its just a fact.

Madison Scott
9/12/2013 12:07:38 am

Madison Scott
Period 3
I disagree with the statement that justice is best determined in a court of law. Today, laws have made it so difficult for courts to convict someone of a crime, that sometimes they are proven innocent even if everyone knows they are guilty. The court system in the United States can be too corrupt to be able to prove someone innocent or guilty effectively. People with a lot of money can sometimes buy their way out of a conviction, and popular famous people seem to have a lesser chance of being proven guilty than an everyday person.
Our court system and laws are too complicated for an everyday person to understand it and be able to defend themselves. If a person gets accused of a crime they shouldn’t have to pay a lot of money for a professional lawyer to feel like they are getting fairly defended compared to their opponent. The way court trials are portrayed in the media sways the opinion of people watching it. The juries are made are unbiased as possible, but when people are judging other people it’s not always just a decision between right and wrong.

Morgan Stanley
9/12/2013 12:07:54 am

Morgan Stanley
Period 3
I agree that courage means doing something even though it can be difficult and fearsome at some points. Some people back down at the thought of doing something that they might fail at or might not succeed in. Courage also means doing something that you are scared to do but you do it anyway because it might be the right thing to do or you would be doing it to help someone else out. For example, firefighters have a tremendous amount of courage. They have to sacrifice their life every day for people they don’t even know, but they do it anyway because they know that someone has to help the people I trouble. Courage could also be as simple as improving in a sport that is difficult for you or trying something new with new people. People don’t realize that putting yourself out there to try something new and work on something you aren’t very good at takes courage too. It is hard for people to now a days to be who they are because of how judgmental people are. I guess what I’m trying to say is that courage comes in all different forms. It can mean something difficult, simple or something fearsome that means risking your life.

Kaitlyn Ford
9/12/2013 12:08:31 am

It is better to die for what you believe in rather than to lie to save your life.
I believe it is better to die for what you believe in, rather than to lie to save your life. It is always best to follow your heart and do what you think is right by sticking up for yourself on your beliefs. For me, as a Christian, I know I would die for what I believe in. I would rather save myself and be honest, then lie just to save my life. I personally think that is quite selfish. For example, if someone asked me to join the Nazi army or die; I would choose to die. I would rather die by believing my own beliefs, rather than to live and take someone else’s life. I also would choose this because I know in my heart that what they were doing was wrong. Therefore, I wouldn’t want to be selfish and live, while letting them die.

9/12/2013 12:13:50 am

I feel that the difference between right and wrong is clear. If you know that what you are about to do is going to have a negative outcome, then don’t do it. There may be times where a choice is both right and wrong, but one may be more prevalent than the other. In that case, you should choose the option that is more right and try to mitigate the wrong choice. You should be easily able to decide which of the choices is right and which one is wrong based on what the outcomes should be. People shouldn’t really be confused on which of the choices is right and which is wrong. It should be clear as day which choice to pick. The difference between right and wrong can also be different based on two people. There are differences between boys and girls, differences between young and old, and differences between your knowledge about the situation. People will always disagree with each other but there should still be one clear answer on the right and wrong one.

Emily lewis
9/12/2013 12:14:49 am

There is only one correct way to interpret the Bible.
The Bible does not have a specific interpretation. Any person who does not follow commonly excepted interpretations is not band from Christianity. The basics of Christianity are that there is only one God who created us and loves us infinitely, and that God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins so that we could have eternal life. While those passages in the Bible are essential to be a Christian, many of the other passages in the Bible have been interpreted in many ways. Some people believe that other Christians need to follow the Bible strictly and specifically do the things God tells people to do. Others believe in the morals and values that the Bible presents and take a more loose approach. The basics of Christianity are essential to call oneself a true Christian, but the life lessons and morals stated in the Bible can be carried out in different ways depending on personal beliefs.

Aubree mobley
9/12/2013 12:15:15 am

10. I believe that justice is not best determined in a court of law. In court, you have no say in the conclusion that the judge or jury is going to come to. You have to live with the decision regardless of what you believe. What you think of as justice, is your opinion. What you believe is unjust, might be what they believe to be fair. As people, we make opinions on what we believe fair is. But “fairness” is different for every person. That means justice won’t be best determined in a court of law because it is based on opinion. For example, if one of your family members were charged with murder, you might believe that they are innocent and don’t deserve any sentence. However, the judge and jury might disagree, and give the person the death penalty. To you, this would be unjust, but it might not be to the family of the victim Also, judges and jurors are biased. If something happened in their family, and a similar case came to trial, they would already have opinions about that topic. Since opinions vary from person to person, justice can only truly be determined by yourself.

Cassie Nale
9/15/2013 12:56:14 pm

I agree with Audrey, courts are not always the best for determining justice. Courts are biased because they are run by people, and people will always be biased one way or another. Jury members often make snap decisions and are unwilling to change their opinion regardless of the information being presented. Especially when it comes to serving justice, people get emotional and listen to emotional appeals instead of focusing on the facts.

Adam Wallace
9/12/2013 12:16:05 am

The difference between right and wrong is clear.
I believe that the difference between right and wrong is nowhere near clear because there is often a very large grey area. Some decisions are cut and dry, but others there is never a clear right and wrong. The difference is often not clear because what is right for one culture is wrong for another. Different sides have different views on situations, so their right decision is the wrong decision for another side. For example, a member of the Taliban may think the right decision is to commit a terroristic act against the United States. On the other hand, almost every American citizen will agree that committing a terroristic act against the United States is the wrong decision. Many times, you will find that there is never the right thing to do. An example of this is the president’s decision on going to war against Syria. Many Americans would be angry if he did, but than many believe it is the right thing to do. No matter what the president decided, many people would believe it was the wrong thing to do. Certain situations make it impossible for there to be a clear right and wrong.

Tyler McGeorge
9/15/2013 09:55:06 am

Brilliant, I agree.

Sidney Reynolds
9/12/2013 12:16:49 am

The difference between right and wrong is not clear. There is not always a definite bad guy and a definite hero. We are human. We do make mistakes. Sometimes you have to make tough choices, choice the lesser of two evils. Where do you think the saying ‘stuck between a rock and a hard place’ came from? Growing up most people are taught stealing is wrong. Hearing someone stole food makes most people think that the person that stole is in definitely wrong but what if you knew that person had to steal food for their sibling so they do not starve because they live on the street because their abusive father died? Seems less wrong doesn’t it? It’s true most people do not steal for a reason other than they want to but still seeing the situation from everyone’s point of view can really open your eyes to the world. A great example of this is the book Wicked. It tells the point of view of the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz and how she came to be the way she is. After reading it, many people suddenly feel the
Wicked Witch is not so wicked and wrong. It also starts to teach you to understand people aren’t born evil, but they are made that way from the lessons of the world. Try to see things in another person eyes, see what happened and why. Then you will start to understand why everything is not everything is black and white.

Grant Oldham
9/12/2013 12:17:02 am

What doesn’t destroy us does not make us stronger.
9-11 was a tragic event in which we gained nothing but heavier security and less freedom. Ever since that event we have learned that the NSA has been spying on our nation, which precedes its privileges, claiming that it is protecting us from another 9-11 attack, or terrorist attack. This event has surely not made us stronger. Ever since that event we have launched into a war which has put us further in debt. It could be argued that we had a country unity that could not be broken after that event. The problem with this argument is that it is worthless in this society. Besides winning wars where has this led us. We are not hiring in land because of our connection to our nation but going with the profit approach. 9-11 is an event that almost killed us, but fell short on making us stronger. How can an event that brings us so close to death in even our personal lives make us stronger. If we lose our legs because of a bombing in our nation how does that make us stronger besides mentally. Without the physical needs how does this help you in life. What doesn’t destroy us makes us weaker not stronger.

Kolby Vaughn
9/12/2013 12:18:00 am

I believe that a person is innocent until proven guilty. Our justice department was founded on this belief, and worked very well for a long time. There is no reason to believe someone is guilty when there is no proof. If it was thought that you can be guilty without proof, then you could accuse everybody that you don’t like of crimes and they would be put in jail. The social media we have today spreads rumors like wildfires, and if all of them were believed even without proof then everybody would be in trouble. If there is proof that they are guilty, they deserve it. But to put an innocent person in prison or fine or suspend them or whatever would be a major problem. In order to keep order and reason in our judicial system, we can’t be throwing people in jail willy-nilly. There needs to be proof of their crime, or they will be found innocent.

Audrey Hyers
9/14/2013 08:03:11 am

Is there only one correct way to interpret the Bible?

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, all men have sinned, God sent His son to live a sinless life and through Christ we have salvation. People can usually agree on big ideas like these in the Bible, but differences in interpretations come in the details. The Bible explains God’s plan for man’s salvation. Different interpretations of the Bible try to explain how this is achieved and who it applies to. This is where different denominations in Christianity come from. People read and understand things to mean different things. Does that mean that they won’t go to Heaven? I don’t think so. Romans 10:10 says, “For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.” As long as people believe in God and accept Christ as their savior, they will be saved. Differences in beliefs lead us to study the Bible more and bring us to try to achieve a deeper understanding of who God is.

Trevor Wilson
9/15/2013 03:59:20 am

It is better to die for what you believe in rather than to lie to save your life. I completely agree with this statement. In order for you to believe something wholeheartedly you must be ready and willing to take all types of criticism and, in the most extreme circumstance, die for those beliefs. If you were not willing to go to those lengths when you first started believing in this idea, then why would you start believing in it in the first place? Without this dedication, you are just a follower without a true motivation or “fire” behind your belief. If you were to lie about what you believe you would likely go against your belief and you would be conforming to the beliefs of others. In doing so you would lose your individuality. If we lie to save our life then what do we have to live for since we have abandoned what we had so adamantly believed just moments ago.

Tyler McGeorge
9/15/2013 10:01:08 am

Keep in mind that this could all depend on the intensity or seriousness of the lie that could be said. I would lie to save my life if all I had to say was McDonalds is healthy. This does not affect me at least not on a life changing level therefore; it is not worth dying for. If the lie is to great to commit than I could see someone accepting death and going down with pride. Good points made though Trevor!

Danielle Cato
9/15/2013 09:44:41 am

That which doesn’t destroy us only makes us stronger.

I agree with the statement “that which doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger” because, when we make mistakes, we learn from them. When we do something wrong, or something bad happens to us, we will work our way through it and come out on the other side a stronger person. We make ourselves stronger to avoid making the same mistakes again. For example, when my sister started her egg drop project for science, she didn’t know what was going to help secure the egg. She would build the container to withstand stronger impacts after every trial. Eventually, she figured out what would not break the egg. Another example is when someone builds a house and a tornado rips it to shreds. That person would want to rebuild the house to make it stronger so it can stand through the storm.

Tyler McGeorge
9/15/2013 09:53:09 am

Is it better to die for what you believe in rather than to lie to save your life?

There is always a controversy in the decision of life or death. We humans view death differently depending on our personal beliefs. Some of us may accept death; whereas others fear it. Our opinions categorize our decisions. So is it better to die for what you believe in rather than to lie to save your life? This of course depends on intensity of the lie. A serious lie that could potentially ruin your life could not be worth living through. I believe that it is acceptable to cheat death on an insignificant lie as long as it does no harm to you or any other person. Honor death and stand for what you believe in if the lie itself would affect your life indefinitely. If you trust your God or whatever afterlife outlook you have then you have nothing to lose. In the famous words of Patrick Henry "Give me truth or give me death." Or was it liberty.

drake andrews
9/15/2013 10:36:44 am

I think Tyler did a good job with by using extensive vocabulary. His statements and/or questions made you really think about wether you would choose to believe or lie. I really enjoyed his comment.

Drake Andrews
9/15/2013 10:32:11 am

For the most part I would say you should die for what you believe in but in other cases you may have to lie to save your life. So really it depends on the situation. Like for instance, I am a Christian if someone was to threaten to kill me and say “you have a choice, either you defy your God by saying you don’t believe in him and you live or you stick with your beliefs and die.” I would definitely stand my ground and die. In another situation though, if someone was to ask me to tell them give my family member up or they kill me. I would just lie and tell them he or she is somewhere else and we would both live. It really depends on your beliefs and what you stand for. Like when it comes to my religion example, that does not include or relate to atheist or anything. Hopefully the family scenario would.

Parker Bussabarger
9/15/2013 11:44:08 am

There are multiple ways to interpret the bible. Even today every person interprets the bible differently. Some people have a literal translation, while others may try to read between the lines. The bible is more like a guide to help you live a better life. Even if you don’t believe in the religious aspect of it, you can still use some of the ideas to make you a better person. To say there is only one way to interpret the bible is like saying there is only one way to dance. Everybody has a different view. Based on the person you are and how you grew up, you are going to have different views on things. You may look at a verse from the bible and think it means one thing; while a friend might read the same quote and get a completely different meaning. It is easy to understand why other people think there is only one way to interpret the bible. They may have grown up in an environment were they are taught that a verse means only one thing. I think it’s better when people interpret the bible their own way, because they realize what the bible means to them

Hannah Davis
9/15/2013 02:25:02 pm

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Hannah Davis
9/15/2013 04:10:29 pm

Beliefs that oppose common values should not be illegal. Every human being is different; none of us are identical. The variations that the human race are capable of are unlike any other species. To force human beings to think and act a certain way is a waste of those capabilities. The beauty of the human race is that we are able to share our opinions with one another causing new ideas/opinions to formulate which, in term, can lead to breakthroughs and more understanding of our surroundings. Judgment and prejudice already abide which have led to things as severe as people taking their own lives simply because they are different. To enforce a law stating that people can’t be themselves is literally stripping the entire human race of their rights. Also, if everyone shared the same opinion, the world would be so bland. Variation would cease to exist along with open-mindedness. We should celebrate our diversity, instead of castigate it for these reasons.


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