Gabby Gibson
9/12/2013 04:12:17 am

Justice is best determined in a court of law-
Justice is best determined in a court of law because it is a fair and just system that proves a person to be innocent or guilty. A jury and/or judge sees the situation as a whole and then decides what to do. If a person who knows only one side of a story tries to punish whoever they think did something wrong, justice is probably not being made. Citizens should not try to take matters into their own hands. In the end, it makes the situation worse. The police and other authorities are trained professionals and know how to punish people in a humane way. Between the judge and jury in a court, they can agree on the appropriate way a person needs to pay back their debt to society. If an individual thinks that a person committed a crime or did something wrong, they should tell an officer of the law. If they try to intervene, they will more than likely end up committing a crime as well. Now two people have done something punishable by law when it should’ve been just one. Not all people think about how what they are doing to get back at someone is illegal. They act surprised when they realize they have broken the law and now they have to pay for it.

coral portman
9/12/2013 04:21:15 am

I agree 100% with you Gabby Renae. Police and other authorities are trained professionals. They have the right and the authority to determine whether or not an accused victim should be found guilty or not guilty of their accused actions.
Good job on explaining it in 234 words!

coral portman
9/12/2013 04:14:08 am

The difference between right and wrong is clear.
Doing something wrong is when you stop and question if you should do it or not. For instance, if you wanted to steal a car and drive to McDonalds without a driver’s license, you know that both stealing a car and driving without a driver’s license is illegal. So when you stop and ask yourself “is this a good idea”, maybe you should actually answer yourself and stop before something even worse happens. Like get caught.
Doing something right is that feeling of knowing you did something pure and heartfelt. No shortcuts to get to where you’re going. If you go out and water your flowers in the garden you know that is the right thing to do. For the flowers, yourself, and the environment. The flowers need you to water them in a drought. For with no water, they cannot grow. And then where will you be without their oxygen producing petals?
Knowing the difference between right and wrong is not rocket science. A child of 2 years even knows that drawing on the wall with a sharpie is wrong. So why do they do it anyways? Because they want to. The difference between doing something right and doing something wrong is a decision you make for yourself. Of course peer pressure is always a factor in the wrong things but that should mean that you pressure yourself to be the bigger person and do what is right. Because you know what’s right.

Gabby Gibson
9/12/2013 04:19:15 am

If I could type an emijo on this computer, I would definetly use the laughing/crying one!

But on a serious note, I agree with you. People usually know what to do but making descions isn't always black and white.

Emma Neal
9/12/2013 04:15:43 am

There is only one correct way to interpret the bible.

Many people interpret the bible in many different ways. There are a lot of different religions in the world. Many who go by the bible. Some follow all of it, some follow only the Old or New Testament, and some only go by bits and pieces of what is says. So obviously, it is interpreted a lot differently by a lot of different people. I believe that there is no correct way to read it. It was written around 2000 years ago, in time where people spoke a lot differently than we did and faced some different problems than what we now face. There are many different versions of it, the NIV, the New King James Version, the Message, etc. Many people believe different things, and many people are still self-proclaimed Christians, even though one person may think that one verse of the bible tells not to get tattoos, while another thinks the verse says that is completely okay to do so. Both may still be Christians. Both may still make it to Heaven. You just need to read and interpret the bible with what you think it says, and make sure to keep an open mind to anything else someone might say about it. Don’t be completely closed minded about it, but believe what you think is right.

Brandon M. Blasdel
9/12/2013 04:20:22 am

I agree with Emma's response. I believe that it is strictly the reader's choice on how to interprete the bible. I know that I interpret the bible differently than my mom, dad, pastor, and friends. I believe that no matter how you interprete the bible what really matters is that you get the moral of both the quotes and the parables.

gabby gibson
9/12/2013 04:21:39 am


coral portman
9/12/2013 04:22:47 am

TOTALLY AGREE. everybody has their own way of interpreting things and the bible is totally one of them

Bethany Smith
9/12/2013 04:27:05 am

I agree with not being close minded about it, but believing what you think is right. The Bible is interpreted so many times and the exact translation doesnt always appear.

Sydney Sears
9/12/2013 04:16:34 am

I agree that it is better to die for what you believe in rather than lie to save your life.
If you lie to save your life you will be living with constant regret for the rest of your time on Earth. Lying never leads to a good outcome and is almost never for a good cause. Lying to save your life is low and could also hurt someone else. In the instance of the Salem Witch Trials people lied to save their lives and as a result ended other peoples’ lives. That’s a constant regret that they will be reminded of every day. In that sense, they could almost be called a murderer, because if they told the truth someone else’s life could have been saved. Instead another person’s life was sacrificed for their own personal benefit. I don’t know how anyone could live with themselves knowing that.
Dying for what you believe in is courageous and respectful. If you’re dying for something you believe in and something you’re passionate about, then there are no regrets. It’s something worth dying for. Isn’t that what we all want anyway? To die for something that’s worth it and for something that matters, instead of dying with regrets.

Emma Neal
9/12/2013 08:50:58 am

I completely agree. I would rather die knowing that I had stood up for myself and what I believe in, than live knowing that I had basically betrayed myself and my beliefs. I want to live, and die with no regrets.

Brandon M. Blasdel
9/12/2013 04:17:00 am

It is better to die for what you believe in rather than to lie to save your life.
A common question that runs through people’s minds is, is it better to die for what you believe in or lie to save your life. This topic is a tricky and fragile topic to deal with. As children we all remember getting in trouble for lying to our parents. My mom and dad used to always tell me that in the end all you have is your integrity and your word, and that is what makes this a touchy topic. Is there a line between it being ok to lie to protect yourself and losing your integrity over a lie, and if so where is it?
Now that I have given you a question for you to ponder on, I want to tell you that I personally agree with the statement that it is better to die for your beliefs rather than lie and live. I myself am a devoted Christian and I would rather be able to face God and be able to say that I died for a purpose than to face my friends and family and know that I no longer have a purpose to live since I lost my integrity.
Many of history’s greatest leaders have died for what they believed and many others have lived longer yet lied to protect themselves. Which ones do you remember? Some of the leaders who have died for what they believed in were Jesus, Saint Peter, Martin Luther, and many more. I don’t know about you but I would want to be remembered as a leader, not a coward.

Payton Kruer
9/12/2013 04:17:16 am

Courage means doing something even though it can be difficult and fearsome.
Having courage is something that not very many people have. Sure, you can be courageous if you talk to the boy you admire from a far, or get the courage up to ask your teacher for the extra point you think you deserve. But to be truly courageous, to do something that no other would do. To stand for what you believe in, to go to the extremes to do the right thing, to go that extra mile. That is courage. So do you have courage? For me, the answer is sometimes. Because I do go that extra mile for what I believe to be true, and speak the truth even when I predict the outcome to be bad. And I watch scary movies at night, even though I know that when my cat meows in the middle of the night I will be terrified. But true courage only comes out when put under extreme circumstances. You’ll never know what you’ll do if the time comes. Would you have the courage to take down the maniac that broke into your house? Or would you cower in the corner until they left. For you the answer might be the same as mine, but are you willing to face the truth when the time does come?

Ann Marie Naville
9/12/2013 04:17:47 am

It’s more difficult to forgive yourself if the person you have hurt doesn’t forgive you. I strongly agree with this line. If you are trying to forgive yourself for hurting someone else, it is so much harder if the person doesn’t forgive you. Trying to move on from a fight is a lot harder than just making up real quick. I know in order for me to make up with someone that I hurt, they have to fully forgive me for the mistake I made.
For example, my brother and I got into a big fight a few months ago and it took a long time for us to get over it. It was my fault for causing the fight, but I had to have his consent that he forgave me before I was able to forgive myself. It hurts inside to know that you hurt someone else and it is not a good feeling to have inside.
If there is a time in your life that the person won’t fully forgive you for what you did, it will take a long time to get over it. It will always stick with you no matter what; you will have to learn how to move on and learn from the mistakes you made. Forgiving is sometimes a really hard thing to do and it usually takes some time to think it over to fully forgive. It is extremely difficult to forgive yourself especially if the person you have hurt doesn’t forgive you.

Mackenzie Jenkins
9/12/2013 04:25:05 am

I agree with you. Many people are way more upset at the fact that the person does not forgive you then the actual fight itself. It just shows that people do really care about their friends and family.

Allison Burkhart
9/12/2013 04:17:56 am

6.) It’s more difficult to forgive yourself if the person you have hurt doesn’t forgive you.
It is way more difficult to forgive yourself if you have not been forgiven. If you and your friend are in an argument, and you say something you don’t mean, the other person may be way more offended than you think. Even if they have already forgiven me, I still am hard on myself. It hurts to know that you were in the wrong, and admit it, and the other person doesn’t forgive you. It feels like a hole is in your chest and you know you can’t fix it until you fix the problem with the person. I know I spend my time, if I’m in a fight with a friend, mopping around and thinking about how I screwed up. Even if the person forgives me, I still really bad for a long time. It feels like I have to prove myself worthy to be forgiven. But if the person still doesn’t forgive me, I’m sad about it for the longest time. Plus I feel a pang in my heart when I see them because I know they are moving on from our friendship and are happy. I know that some people don’t mean to hurt other but they do. Sometimes it’s forgivable, but sometimes there are friendships you just have to let go because they hurt you so much. But either way, one person is still hurt in the end.

Olivia Bays
9/12/2013 04:18:17 am

The difference between right and wrong is clear.

A man murders his wife.
You have an immediate opinion on this, don’t you? You cringe, condemn. Murder is wrong. How could someone question that? Of course you shouldn’t kill anybody. But let’s say this.
A woman murders her baby.
Immediate reaction again, right? You’re probably disgusted. Killing a kid? That’s terrible! You would never kill anyone, much less a child. But how about this one?
A woman gets an abortion.
Red flags go up. You can’t talk about abortion, it’s too controversial. But I thought murder is wrong? Did you change your mind? What if a woman is raped, and gets pregnant from the attack? What a woman gets pregnant, but the dad ran off? What if she can’t afford to raise a child?
Does that make it okay?
This issue is one of many debated by mankind. Some think it’s okay; some think it is absolutely wrong. They think it’s murder. They think it’s what needs to be done to help the mother. No one can agree. The difference between right and wrong is not always so crisp and definite. Not everyone can agree on every issue. Thinking that right is white and wrong is black and that there shouldn’t be any gray area is naïve. It’s self-righteous and arrogant. You’re not right and they are not wrong. No one can say for certain that they know the way the world is supposed to be and they know how everyone should act. It’s not possible. Jesus ate with the sinners; why should you condemn them?

Natalie Allen
9/12/2013 04:18:42 am

The difference between right and wrong is clear.
There are many different ways to interpret things. There could be something someone think is right, and then the other person thinks it is wrong.
Everyone has their own opinion. There is not a single topic in the world that every human-being could agree on. Some opinions come from religion, or even just the way a person was raised. There are some things that are 100% correct, because they are facts and have been proven, but there are also some things that are stuck in the middle and debated.
There are very controversial topics out there, such as homosexuality. There are people who have no problem with it and accept it with no doubt, but then there are people who preach against it and believe that it is appalling and sinful. There is no definite right or wrong answer to this topic, and there never will be. It is all based on what someone believes.
Every person is different and holds their own opinion to everything. It is never a clear answer whether something is right or wrong. Not everyone is going to be able to agree and say “Yes, that is right,” or “No, that is wrong,” so not a lot of things are definite.

Hannah Enlow
9/12/2013 04:18:53 am

There is only one correct way to interpret the Bible.
No, there is not a certain way the bible is interpreted. Everyone has a different beliefs some not believing the bible and some others that do believe it. When reading the Bible anyone can look at it and see something differently than someone else who reads it. Some may believe in evil but some may not believe there is one out there that the Christians do believe in. There are many ways to interpret the bible. The reason is because everyone has a different perception of the things around them. That’s why there are Baptist, Jewish, Catholic, and many other types of churches and other religions. The bible can’t be seen in just one way, because everything in it can mean one thing to one person and a different thing to another person. An atheist, for example, may read the bible and interpret it as nothing and useless. But a Christian may read the bible and see guidance on how to live life. If everyone interpreted things the same way, maybe no one would be different. And difference is what discriminates all of us. Everyone has an opinion on their ways of thinking and how they see things around them. There will always be someone thinking they are more correct over the other with their reasoning of beliefs.

Mackenzie Jenkins
9/12/2013 04:19:34 am

The difference between right and wrong is clear.
Many people interoperate situations differently. No way is the right or wrong way. Abortion is a major topic describing this situation. I personally believe that you should not take away a life from another person. Yes, you might have not wanted to have a child or not be able to take care of them, but that is not the childes fault. They deserve to have just as much of a life as you do. If you are not able to take care of them put them in a foster home. There are plenty of people in the world that would love to have a child. Just because you are not capable to take care of them doesn’t mean that they should be punished.
On another hand I could see why some are for abortion. If the mother was raped and did not want the child this would be a good example. This would be a traumatic situation for the mom and she might not be able to handle it. Also, she might not know who the father is. This could result to her not having help supporting the baby.
They are many interoperations to what is right and wrong. Everyone thinks or reacts to a situation differently. Therefore, there is no clear view on what is right and what is wrong.

Ann Marie Naville
9/13/2013 12:56:47 am

I strongly agree with the statement, "The difference between right and wrong is clear." Going back to Mackenzie's example about abortion. I am totally against abortion. There is not an acceptable time that anyone should have an abortion. This is clearly right from wrong and there is no in between. Mackenzie states that abortion is okay if you were raped, but if this happens to you, you can still have the baby and give it up for adoption. Plenty of people don’t have the ability and blessing to have a child. People who are taking advantage of an amazing miracle are clearly wrong. Plenty of people in the world are not as fortunate to conceive a child and you should never take your child for granted.

Eric Lamm
9/12/2013 04:20:33 am

Courage means doing something even though it can be difficult and fearsome. I think that is a wonderful way to define the word courage. There are many people like that in the world that do courageous acts as their everyday job. For example, the military. When a couple of soldiers storm into an enemy house they have never seen before filled with 20 to 50 people loaded with guns trying to kill them, they are scared for their lives. In my eyes, it is one of the most difficult and scary things that there is to do. They do it anyways. They don’t get to the door and back out. They plow through and go on with the fight no matter how scared they are.
Same thing with fire fighters, they are fearsome to go into a burning building, but they do it anyways. It takes a ton of courage to go into a building that everyone else is trying to get out of before they get killed. Police officers, fire fighters, military and many others jobs like that all take a ton of courage to do. You have to be able to overcome fearful and difficult situations if you want to complete the job. People do courageous acts every single day and they are often overlooked.

9/12/2013 04:24:39 am

what doesnt kill you does make you stonger. i agree with you Eric the parrot. bravo to you

g@BbYYY Glb$0n
9/12/2013 04:24:53 am

You're so right, Eric! You were so courageous when you swallowed that octopus for 10 bonus points!!!


Madeline Miller
9/12/2013 04:21:05 am

That which doesn’t destroy us only makes us stronger.
Going through something tough can be very devastating. It can be hard to pull through and hard to recover. But if you do, you always come out a much stronger person. You come out stronger because you now know how strong you really are because you survived such a tough situation. You learned a lot about yourself through the situation. You learned what you can handle and what you can’t handle, making you much wiser. Now the next time something happens where you get into the same situation or a similar situation you will know what to do and how to handle it, making you much stronger the second time around.
For example, if someone builds a wall around a city to protect it and that wall gets knocked down, when the city rebuilds the wall, they are going to build it stronger so it doesn’t happen again. Or if something is held together by strings and those strings break the thing will fall. When someone goes to puts it back up, they are going to make those strings stronger, ensuing it doesn’t fall again. Same with people; if you are knocked down by something, when you build yourself back up you are going to build yourself stronger so you don’t get knocked down by the same thing again.

John "tha killa" Strobel
9/12/2013 04:21:26 am

Courage is a hard thing to come by people in our society today. Our society is spoiled by the luxuries that we have. This can sometimes make us weak when we are put in a hard situation. Everyone in this world has fear, it just depends how much fear you really have. Standing up for something you believe in is probably one of the hardest things a person can do to themselves. It take a great deal for a person to do that. Whether it be a religious belief, or a personal belief like believing that all men are created equal, you should have the right to stand up for that belief. People have stood up for themselves in the past. All you have to do is just look into a history book and you will find that almost 60% of the book’s conflict is because a certain person stood up for what they believe in. It could have been a good conflict, like Rosa Parks not giving up her bus seat. She believed that segregation of people was wrong which in turn started a huge conflict in the United States. Sadly, there is also other types of people who had courage to stand up for their beliefs but, their beliefs caused havoc all over the world. For instance, Hitler’s Germany caused total destruction in Europe and a second world war. Hitler believed that the Germans were a dominant race and if you weren’t a German, then you should join them or die. Some people didn’t even have the choice to join. It’s a big deal to have courage and stand up for what you believe in. Who knows, standing up for what you believe in could change your life or quite possibly the world.

Alec 'Whip It Nasty" Saxon
9/12/2013 04:24:45 am

I honestly could not have said it better myself. Courage is what defines a person in a tough situation. I agree with the facts you have brought to the table and a great example was provided as well.

coral p0rtman
9/12/2013 04:26:19 am

good way to put it John "the killa" Strobel

Madison "ridiculous nickname" Costello
9/12/2013 05:34:40 am

Good way to put it. Having a strong sense of self is a tough thing to cultivate.
Like you said as well, though, we're a bit spoiled by first-world living, and risk-taking is even scarier than expressing yourself freely. Risks we take day to day now may not have stakes as high as they did in times past, but it's always necessary. Courage defines whether you take control of the risk or let it take control of you, especially if it has something to do with just an inner conflict.

Bethany Smith
9/12/2013 04:21:31 am

It is better to die for what you believe in rather than to lie to save your life.
A little white lie can go a long way, but eventually it will have a snowball effect. Lying is tedious and will only hurt you in the long run. Say someone forgot their typed paper but they tell their teacher “Oh, I didn’t realize my printer was broken until I went to print my paper and nothing came out.” The teacher might buy it, but what if the printer actually didn’t work the next time? They would try to explain their situation and the teacher would catch on, that something is fishy; then you would get a zero and have to try to make better grades next time. What if the lie you were about to tell was to save your life? What if you were in a country that hated your religion and wanted to murder you for believing in Jesus Christ? Would you say that you didn’t believe in God? Would you throw away your afterlife to save your life on earth? That lie you might be about to tell is not a white lie. That lie is something that would have to follow you around for the rest of your life. The amount of time on earth doesn’t compare to the relationship with god. Deny him in front of his people and he will deny to enter the gates of heaven.

Alec Saxon
9/12/2013 04:22:03 am

It’s more difficult to forgive yourself if the person you have hurt doesn’t forgive you.
I strongly agree with this statement. I agree because once you realize what you have done wrong, you ask and want forgiveness from the person that you have hurt. This person can be a family member, a friend, or just a common acquaintance. If the person you ask forgiveness from doesn’t accept your apology, you may feel as if you have done something worse than what has actually happened. The thought of the relationship no longer being able to continue or even form is a horrible feeling.
An example would be as if you broke your best friend Johnny’s Mario Kart. To Johnny this is a major deal because he saved up half of a year allowance to buy it. You apologize instantly but Johnny refuses the acceptance of the apology. Now that Johnny has refused, you have lost your best friend and will never regain it.
I strongly agree with this statement because it is near impossible to get over the fact that you have lost someone close to you due to your own actions.

Madison Costello
9/12/2013 04:22:40 am

The Difference Between Right and Wrong is Clear.
The difference between right and wrong may seem cut and dried when presented, but I think the line may be too blurry to say that things are universally right or wrong. It’s tough for me to see whether morality should or should not be subjective because my beliefs conflict with the diversity of thought I know other people have.
Existentialists have a level of belief in “subjective morality,” meaning that things generally considered ‘wrong’ or socially incorrect can have a good intention or outcome, such as a ruler harshly taxing common people in order to have a strong enough army to defend their lives in an upcoming struggle. This applies to fundamentally ‘good’ actions returning bad results. I think that this is true to an extent, because while people have a sense of conscience, it is deeply connected to bias that everybody has as well. For example, disagreements over heated issues, such as political activity, result from people’s differing ideas as to what is right and wrong. Would this make either party fundamentally evil for having different viewpoints, or does it only seem bad in contradiction with what you think is good?
Because of this limit of human empathy, people are likely to assume that their views of morality are universal, even if they don’t mean to. This makes it difficult for me to agree that right and wrong are either definitive or ambiguous, because I feel that certain things should be regarded as immoral or common sense even though others believe, contrarily, that their opposing opinion is more moral or sensible. Finding difference between right and wrong should best rest in what an individual has to do in order to have a clear conscience for oneself, or else accept the natural punishment of guilt.

Aaron Brockman
9/12/2013 04:23:20 am

That which doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger
I believe that which doesn’t destroy us only makes us stronger as people. Last year I would have said the exact opposite, but this year after my parents got divorced I really think that I have become stronger as a person. I really think that after you go through a hard time that it can make you think of things in a different perspective. For example people could have a death in the family that hurts them for a long time but will make them look at life and family as more of a gift.
Difficulties in life are what people use to shape the person they are or the person who they will become. It is like them learning from their mistakes, lessons in life that do not destroy us will make us stronger as an overall person, and shape how you become as a person. I, for example, didn’t think as strongly as I do now about my family. Now I never want to miss any family function or occasion, because the divorce has pulled me closer to my family for support. It has made me think that family and friends are one of the most important things in my life.

Alexis Applegate
9/12/2013 07:50:31 am

I totally agree with Aaron, I believe that what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger. It might seem like a cheesy quote but I feel like when something bad happens you are affected badly at first but there is always something good that comes out of the bad. You just have to ride it out and wait for the good to come.

Sam Denison
9/12/2013 04:27:16 am

Confessing to a crime you did not commit in order to avoid punishment is wise
Someone confessing to a crime that they did not commit in order to avoid punishment is not wise, as wisdom has very little to do with it. When making a decision in this case, one’s past experiences and lessons they have learned from do not matter. It depends on the moral code of the accused and the circumstances that they are in. Self preservation through lies is often recognized as Machiavellian. The use of logic rather than a moral code is seen by Machiavellians as a “smart” move. However, the one accused of a crime they did not commit is often aware of both their moral code and their sense of logic. In the book, The Heritic’s Daughter, the main character Sarah has a conflict with herself during the trial of her mother. Even though she is told to confess to being a witch and to having a witch for a mother to save herself, she questions this because she believes persecuting and lying is wrong. In the end, she complies with her mother’s request and confesses to performing witchcraft, and persecutes her mother to save herself. If she had made the other decision to go with what she believed in, would whe really be less intelligent?

Alexis Applegate
9/12/2013 07:41:56 am

There is only one way to interpret the Bible.
No, I think there are many ways to interpret the Bible. Everyone sees things differently and have different perspectives on things. Not every person is going to read the Bible and get the same message out of it. If there was only one way to interpret the Bible then there wouldn’t be so many different religions such as Christianity, Catholicism, Jewish and Baptist. The Bible can’t just be seen in one way, because everything in it can mean one thing to a certain person and the complete opposite to another person. The Bible may just be a book with words in it to one person but to a different person it may be guidance and advice on how to live their life to the fullest. I don’t think the Bible was written for the purpose of only having one meaning, I think it was meant to give everyone who reads it a little pep talk on how to live life and enjoy it. If everyone got the same message from the Bible then what would set us apart from each other? How would we be our own person if we had the same views as everyone else? So, no I think there are many different ways to interpret the Bible.

Tyler McGeorge
9/12/2013 12:19:10 pm

Is it better to die for what you believe in rather than to lie to save your life?

There is always a controversy in the decision of life or death. We humans view death differently depending on our personal beliefs. Some of us may accept death; whereas others fear it. Our opinions categorize our decisions. So is it better to die for what you believe in rather than to lie to save your life? This of course depends on intensity of the lie. A serious lie that could potentially ruin your life could not be worth living through. I believe that it is acceptable to cheat death on an insignificant lie as long as it does no harm to you or any other person. Honor death and stand for what you believe in if the lie itself would affect your life indefinitely. If you trust your God or whatever afterlife outlook you have then you have nothing to lose. In the famous words of Patrick Henry "Give me truth or give me death." Or was it liberty.

Brant Corley
9/15/2013 11:05:02 am

The difference between right and wrong is clear.
The difference between right and wrong is usually never clear. Many times, the difference between the two is clouded. An example would be, a starving child stealing food. If they steal it from someone who has more than they could ever consume, is it right or wrong? What about if they steal food from someone else who is also starving. Both situations involve theft but is one right and one wrong, or are they different degrees of wrong? Sometimes, people contradict themselves on what they believe is right and wrong. For example many people would say that communism is wrong, but at the same time believe that the rich should have less and the poor more. This is totally contradictory because communism is just a form of socialism, which simply put, is stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Some choices can become so complex that the only thing that is for sure about the situation is that there is not one clear cut right answer. A perfect example of this is the decision about how to deal with the Syrian Civil War. If we take out the Assad regime we may be simultaneously putting Al-Queda in power. If we don’t take the regime out then we would be letting the regime gas innocent people. The difference between right and wrong is most often, not clear cut.

Chris Collier
9/15/2013 01:06:48 pm

Confessing to a crime you didn't commit in order to avoid punishment is wise.

I personally disagree with this statement. I believe lying, or falsely confessing to a crime in order to save yourself is wrong. It may help you in terms of disciplinary repercussions but morally it gets you nowhere. They say one of the last few things a man can keep is his honor, and that no one nor no thing can take that away. I also believe this is 100% true. As long as you know you didn't do something then eventually the real truth will come out. When lies are stacked on top of each other they will sooner or later crumble and fall. The truth however will never lose its ground. Anne Bishop quoted in her book, Heir to the Shadows “When honor and the Law no longer stand on the same side of the line, how do we choose?”. In situations like this honor should triumph every time.


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